AlleyCats Defeat Union on Last Second Score

by indyprosports

The Indy AlleyCats and Chicago Union played an electric game on Saturday night with the AlleyCats winning 21-20 on a score as the clock hit 0:00. Playing to the last second would be a common factor in the game.

The rivals started out quickly as the AlleyCats scored 44 seconds in the game after a Union turnover. Both teams played like the rivalry it is. The AlleyCats scored with 16 seconds left in the first quarter. The Union scored with 0:00 left in the first quarter to have a 5-5 tie after 12 minutes.

The AlleyCats scored first in the second quarter at 10:45 to start the scoring. The defense picked up with Indy creating three turnovers and Chicago creating two turnovers. In this quarter like the first quarter and the final quarter, future Hall of Famer Cameron Brock scored with nothing remaining on the clock after the frisbee was deflected twice. The halftime score was 10-9 AlleyCats ahead.

The third quarter started off with a Union turnover 15 seconds into the quarter. The AlleyCats turned it into a score just 22 seconds later giving the AlleyCats a two-point lead. That would be the biggest lead either team would have all game. Teams would trade scores until, you guessed it, the Union scored on a 70-yard huck (hail Mary) with no time left in the quarter to tie the score at 15-15.

In the fourth quarter, the defense picked up again as the first score didn’t happen until 9:54 when the AlleyCats scored to lead 16-15. Again, both teams traded scores until 36 seconds left in the game when Indy turned the disc over. The Union only took 13 seconds to tie the game at 20-20. The AlleyCats prayers were answered when they scored on a desperation throw with no time left for the victory 21-20.

Levi Jacobs led the AlleyCats with 5 goals. Travis Carpenter and Xavier Payne led with 5 assists each.

The victory pushes the AlleyCats record to 2-1. They are tied for second place in the UFL Central division. They will play in Pittsburgh this afternoon at 4:00 against the Pittsburgh Thunderbirds. The game can be seen on

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