by indyprosports
On Saturday, June 15, the Indianapolis AlleyCats jumped into overdrive and beat the Detroit Mechanix 32 – 20.
Indy scored within the first minute of the game and never looked back. The score at the end of the first quarter was AlleyCats 8 – Mechanix 4.
In the second quarter, the play was fast and both sides scored with ease. The score at halftime was AlleyCats 15 – Mechanix 10.
In the third quarter, the AlleyCats came out with the same energy they had at the beginning of the game. They also created multiple turnovers to start the blow out. The score at the end of the third quarter was AlleyCats 24 – Mechanix 16.
Smelling blood at this point the AlleyCats kept the pressure on. The Indy D created 15 turnovers for the game. The final score was AlleyCats 32 – Mechanix 20.
Cameron Brock and Levi Jacobs led the AlleyCats with four goals each. Cameron Thatcher led the AlleyCats with four assists.
The AlleyCats will play in Chicago next Saturday against the Union. The AlleyCats defeated the Union 21-20 on the 1st of this month. The AlleyCats final home game will June 29th in their city game. The AlleyCats will play the Madison Radicals at Beech Grove High School. The game will start at 6:30 pm.