Fuel Claim Shootout Victory Over Growlers

NEWFOUNDLAND– The Fuel finished their weekend in Newfoundland with their third and final match against the Growlers. Despite going into the third period with a 3-0 lead, the Fuel had to secure their 4-3 victory in a shootout.


Matt Brassard hit the game sheet first just 1:30 into the first frame with a delay of game call but the Growlers killed it off quickly. 

The Fuel got on the board at 6:37 with a backhanded goal in front from Ryan Gagnier, assisted by Brett Bulmer and Zach Jordan who had a combined nine points on the weekend headed into this game.

Indy’s Victor Hadfield took the game’s next penalty with a cross checking call at 10:17 but the Fuel killed it off. 

Neil Shea was called for holding at 14:49 but the Fuel could not capitalize on the power play, despite a great shot in front by Santino Centorame that was blocked by Newfoundland’s Dryden McKay in net. 

At 17:17, the Fuel headed back to the penalty kill after a cross checking call on Matt Cairns. After killing it off, time expired on the period and the Fuel headed to the locker room up 1-0, with outshooting the Growlers 15-10.


Chase Carter took a hooking penalty at 2:28 of the second frame, resulting in a power play goal by Cam Hillis to put the Fuel up 2-0. Colin Bilek and Bryan Lemos both claimed assists on that goal.

At 6:08, Gagnier sat for tripping, giving Newfoundland their third power play of the game. Less than a minute later, Andrew Bellant took a high sticking call giving Newfoundland a long 5-on-3 opportunity that quickly turned into a 6-on-3 opportunity after Chris Cameron took a cross checking penalty. 

Despite the advantage for the Growlers, the Fuel killed off all the penalties without giving up a goal.

Indy headed back to the power play after a slashing call on Tate Singleton at 11:45 and Gagnier took advantage with his second goal of the game to put the Fuel up 3-0. Bilek and Seamus Malone had assists on that goal. 

Cameron took another penalty at 16:54, this time for high sticking but the Growlers killed it off before time expired on the second frame. 

The score remained 3-0 Fuel through two periods.


At 6:33, Santino Centorame took a delay of game penalty giving the Growlers a power play chance however Jonny Tychonick took a holding the stick minor at 7:48 to force some 4-on-4 before Brennan Kapcheck took another penalty at 9:02 for cross checking. 

All penalties were killed off before Indy’s Kyle Maksimovich and DJ King both headed to the box for high sticking and cross checking respectively at 12:18. 

Just twelve seconds into the 5-on-3, Isaac Johnson scored for Newfoundland to make it 3-1, which eliminated one of the Fuel penalties, however Malone took a slashing call at 14:07 to set it back to 5-on-3.

The Growlers scored again, this time Grant Cruikshank on the power play to make it 3-2. 

After both teams went back to even strength, Newfoundland pulled their goaltender in favor of the extra skater and it worked as Tate Singleton scored to tie the game at 3-3 at 18:27. 

Time expired on regulation with the score tied 3-3 and the shots tied 31-31 as the game headed to overtime. 


Soon after the puck dropped on the overtime period, the Growlers were called for a delayed penalty on Singleton for holding. 

After a lengthy possession time for the Fuel, the play was finally called dead and Singleton headed to the box to begin the two minute penalty. 

Despite Indy putting the pressure on, Newfoundland killed off the penalty and with 2:31 left in overtime, they went back to even strength but time expired on the overtime period and it remained tied 3-3. 

After a four round shootout, featuring goals by Newfoundland’s Grant Cruikshank, Indy’s Cam Hillis, and Seamus Malone, the Fuel took the 4-3 win. 

The Indy Fuel are back in action at Indiana Farmers Coliseum on February 8 against the Atlanta Gladiators for Thirsty Thursday.

Originally posted on indyfuelhockey.com

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