Fuel Claim First Win in Newfoundland

NEWFOUNDLAND– The Fuel visited Newfoundland for the first time ever to kick off a three game set against the Growlers on Friday night. After a close game for two periods, the Fuel came away with the 5-3 win.


Both teams had speed and some great opportunities to start the period but it was the Growlers with a power play opportunity first at 7:09 after a tripping call on Indy’s Victor Hadfield. 

The Fuel killed that off before heading to the penalty kill again after a slashing minor on Bryan Lemos which they also killed off. 

At 17:24, Indy struck first with a goal by Zach Jordan assisted by Brett Bulmer to put the Fuel up 1-0 before time expired on the period. 

Newfoundland was outshooting Indy by the end of the first frame, 13-12. 


Just three minutes into the second period, Indy got their first power play of the game with a hooking call on Todd Skirving but the Growlers killed it off. 

At 8:33, DJ King tipped in a shot by Kyle Maksimovich to make it 2-0 Fuel. The goal was reviewed for goaltender interference but after a quick look, it remained a good goal.

At 11:45, Colin Bilek took a roughing penalty after things began getting heated between both teams. The Fuel killed off that penalty. 

Things settled down until 15:35 when the Fuel went back to the power play after a slashing call on Tyler Weiss, however the Growlers killed it off. 

It was Weiss who scored for Newfoundland at 18:20 to make it 2-1 towards the end of the period. 

Indy’s Chase Lang took a cross checking penalty at 19:47 that would carry over into the third frame, after things got heated between both teams as the period closed.


Still on the power play, Newfoundland’s Jackson Berezowski scored to tie the game 2-2 at 1:02 of the third period. 

At 5:14, Fuel captain Seamus Malone scored to put Indy up again. That goal was assisted by MacDougall with his second assist of the night. 

Less than a minute later, Chase Carter was called for interference but at 6:25, Cam Hillis also took a penalty for slashing forcing some 4-on-4 hockey; however all penalties were killed off. 

At 16:06, Isaac Johnson made things interesting by tying the game at 3-3 with less than four minutes to go however, just 42 seconds later, Cam Hillis scored to put the Fuel up again. Kyle Maksimovich and Jon Martin had assists on the goal.

After taking a timeout, Newfoundland pulled their goaltender in favor of the extra skater and Indy’s Brett Bulmer found the back of the empty net at 19:13 to close out the game, 5-3. Jordan claimed his second point of the night with the lone assist.

The Indy Fuel are back in action at Indiana Farmers Coliseum on February 8 against the Atlanta Gladiators for Thirsty Thursday.

Originally posted on indyfuelhockey.com

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