What attracts you to the sport of Roller Derby?
That it is a sport for anyone! It doesn’t require a specific body type or skill level. I learned to appreciate my body and my size while on the track and that transferred to appreciation off the track as well.
Why did you choose the name SeanA the Dead?
SeanA the Dead is just a fun play on my own name.
What’s your favorite part of Roller Derby?
Having a group of individuals from different backgrounds all coming together to learn and grow together through a sport that is so accepting of everyone.
Why Circle City Roller Derby?
Post Covid I was missing roller derby and was wanting to start skating again. I saw that CCRD was hosting a new skater clinic and I was already familiar with the team and some of their skaters. They have welcomed me in from day one!
Name one fun fact about yourself!
My derby number is 168, I chose this because my oldest daughter has a diagnosis of Autism and I work with individuals on the spectrum. At the time I started derby, 2014, 1 in 68 were diagnosed with ASD.
Originally posted on Circle City Roller Derby Facebook Page